Sunday, April 17, 2011

A Common Beerman

Beer is really rather enjoyable; if it's good beer, all the better. I would consider myself a quasi-beer master, quasi because although I may be a connoisseur of fine beers, I don't have the extensive knowledge of the two renowned beer masters of this mighty blog, Dan B and Eric. I want to identify myself as the Common Beerman.

I opened up a Brains 2.1 today and shared it amongst friends. The strong, sweet, slightly salty taste of brains is great. My friends liked it and were impressed that it was a home brewed creation. Other barleywines tend to be sickeningly sweet and reminiscent of cough-syrup. The only other barleywine that was as enjoyable as Brains was a delicious Quebecois brew (the name escapes me) that had a smoky, salty finish that balanced the strong sweet taste inherent in barleywines.

Honeybrains promises to be even more delicious than Brains 2.1; stay tuned for more blog awesomeness when the Common Beerman opens up a Honeybains and tells all.


  1. It seems like we each individually held Brains tastings this weekend, haha.

  2. But did you have a Theros tasting, Dan?

  3. I did try some of the Theros when I took a hydrometer reading yesterday, and it is coming along pretty well. I think it's going to be a really good, refreshing summer beverage once it is carbonated and everything. I didn't end up getting to share the Theros with anybody though, I met up with some friends up in Maryland and did the Brains tasting there instead of hosting it at my place.
