Appearance: Dark brown color, a bit darker than cola, tan head about one finger size…no lacing on the glass.
Aroma: Chocolate cordial – rum aroma, can definitely smell the alcohol in this one.
Taste: Dark chocolate with some sour cherry notes up front, alcohol burn and a bit of black licorice in the finish.
Mouthfeel: Smooth at first, coats the mouth and doesn’t diminish at all. Carbonation helps balance the alcohol at first. Mouth tingles from the alcohol at the end.
Overall: Can’t decide if I love it or hate it but this beer doesn’t allow you to settle somewhere in the middle. If drinking a goblet, I give it an A. If drinking half a bottle, then I give it a C. This beer is good in moderation but a killer if you’re enjoying a bottle yourself. Worth trying and sharing with many people who love a good stout.
Beer Advocate reviewers (about 500 of them) give this beer an A-. Daily Beer Review feels the same way I do, but wrote about it way more eloquently. Many other reviews I've found feel the same - mainly that it's good in moderation but impossible to drink a whole bottle. Also, many feel that it's not worth the price (anywhere from $17-$25 per 750ml bottle).
Image respectfully borrowed from the Beer & Whiskey Brothers Blog.
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