Saturday, April 23, 2011

Brains 2.2 Brew Day

This past Thursday we got together to brew our last barleywine of the year. This version is basically the same recipe that we used for Honey Brains, but we added brown sugar instead of honey. We don't have an official name for this batch yet, but I like "Slow" Brains, as a reference to the molasses that the brown sugar is made from. We also bottled our hefeweizen, which we are currently calling Theros, but I think we should change the name to Eisenhower, since our friend Jillian pointed out that hefeweizen is corrected to Eisenhower when using spell check. Although, as I am writing this, the firefox built in spell checker is suggesting Weisenheimer, which I think I like even better, haha. Omar was on hand to photograph the days events. I think his pictures came out great. Here's a selection to give you a feel for how the brew day went.

The brewers making preparations.

Brown Sugar! How come you taste so good?

More Pictures After the Jump

Sterilizing bottle caps


Hops! How come you smell so good?

Bottling Weisenheimer

Beautiful Weisenheimer

Down to the bottom of the barrel so to speak

Filling the bottles

Labeling the bottles so we don't get surprised when we open a bottle expecting hefeweizen and end up with Brains

H is for Homebrew (really hefeweizen)

Chilling the wort

Chillin' with the wort


  1. Were you guys baking a funfetti cake at the same time? :)

    By the way, you should take a blog trip to Clipper City brewery near me!

  2. Unfortunately, we did not have a funfetti cake going this time, but you guys are always welcome to come over and "help us brew" by baking one, haha.

  3. Seriously, I always imagine our beer is what smells so amazing. I still think we should brew the funfetti beer. I really believe it'd be awesome.

    Ok, really I believe it'd be gross. But a man can dream.

  4. shut your face -- at least it worked!!
